


Request for permission / vacation

Request for permission / vacation

Request for permission / vacation

Log in to Employees in the Cloud and click on "attendance and absences", then move to the upper right and click on "new justification". Choose the day (or days), click on add and select the justification also entering the period in which you will not be available. It is good practice to add a comment to the permission request insert. You will receive confirmation via email when your request is approved.

Log in to Employees in the Cloud and click on "attendance and absences", then move to the upper right and click on "new justification". Choose the day (or days), click on add and select the justification also entering the period in which you will not be available. It is good practice to add a comment to the permission request insert. You will receive confirmation via email when your request is approved.

Log in to Employees in the Cloud and click on "attendance and absences", then move to the upper right and click on "new justification". Choose the day (or days), click on add and select the justification also entering the period in which you will not be available. It is good practice to add a comment to the permission request insert. You will receive confirmation via email when your request is approved.

Check remaining permissions / vacations

Check remaining permissions / vacations

Check remaining permissions / vacations

In the 'attendance and absence' section of Employees in Cloud, all remaining vacations and permits will appear. Divide by 8 and you will get the corresponding in days.

In the 'attendance and absence' section of Employees in Cloud, all remaining vacations and permits will appear. Divide by 8 and you will get the corresponding in days.

In the 'attendance and absence' section of Employees in Cloud, all remaining vacations and permits will appear. Divide by 8 and you will get the corresponding in days.

Difference between vacation and leave

Difference between vacation and leave

Difference between vacation and leave

In general, when we need to be absent for a few hours, we use permission, when the absence is half a day or a day (or more days) we use vacation. However, it should be added that if we have many accumulated vacation days, it is good to use them up, as the company risks penalties if some employees have very old vacation days and have not used them up within 18 months after the end of the accrual year.

In general, when we need to be absent for a few hours, we use permission, when the absence is half a day or a day (or more days) we use vacation. However, it should be added that if we have many accumulated vacation days, it is good to use them up, as the company risks penalties if some employees have very old vacation days and have not used them up within 18 months after the end of the accrual year.

In general, when we need to be absent for a few hours, we use permission, when the absence is half a day or a day (or more days) we use vacation. However, it should be added that if we have many accumulated vacation days, it is good to use them up, as the company risks penalties if some employees have very old vacation days and have not used them up within 18 months after the end of the accrual year.

Health insurance

Health insurance

Health insurance

Extendi provides all employees hired with a regular contract with free health insurance. The health insurance can be used for routine check-ups, dentist (including teeth cleaning) and hospitalizations. The insurance covers you and members of your family.

Extendi provides all employees hired with a regular contract with free health insurance. The health insurance can be used for routine check-ups, dentist (including teeth cleaning) and hospitalizations. The insurance covers you and members of your family.

Extendi provides all employees hired with a regular contract with free health insurance. The health insurance can be used for routine check-ups, dentist (including teeth cleaning) and hospitalizations. The insurance covers you and members of your family.

Sign up for Metasalute

Sign up for Metasalute

Sign up for Metasalute

Go to the link: Register on the portal. Click on employee and enter your tax code. Enter all your details. Enter your Iban and make sure that the coverage is active

Go to the link: Register on the portal. Click on employee and enter your tax code. Enter all your details. Enter your Iban and make sure that the coverage is active

Go to the link: Register on the portal. Click on employee and enter your tax code. Enter all your details. Enter your Iban and make sure that the coverage is active

Requesting a voucher / refund

Requesting a voucher / refund

Requesting a voucher / refund

Health insurance works in two ways. Either you request a voucher and then use the voucher to pay for the service at an affiliated facility, or you pay for the service out of pocket and then request a refund. Our advice is to use vouchers whenever possible. Refunds are more cumbersome in both the request and the disbursement.

Health insurance works in two ways. Either you request a voucher and then use the voucher to pay for the service at an affiliated facility, or you pay for the service out of pocket and then request a refund. Our advice is to use vouchers whenever possible. Refunds are more cumbersome in both the request and the disbursement.

Health insurance works in two ways. Either you request a voucher and then use the voucher to pay for the service at an affiliated facility, or you pay for the service out of pocket and then request a refund. Our advice is to use vouchers whenever possible. Refunds are more cumbersome in both the request and the disbursement.

If you have any doubts or need assistance, do not hesitate to contact Irene at the address

If you have any doubts or need assistance, do not hesitate to contact Irene at the address

If you have any doubts or need assistance, do not hesitate to contact Irene at the address

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