


Promotions and career advancements

Promotions and career advancements

Promotions and career advancements

Promotions and career advancements are evaluated periodically during performance reviews, which are dedicated '1-on-1' meetings for your growth and professional development. During these sessions, you will have the opportunity to assess your performance, set goals, and receive targeted support. When you demonstrate meeting specific criteria, you will be considered for promotion to the next level within the Career Ladder for your professional role.

Promotions and career advancements are evaluated periodically during performance reviews, which are dedicated '1-on-1' meetings for your growth and professional development. During these sessions, you will have the opportunity to assess your performance, set goals, and receive targeted support. When you demonstrate meeting specific criteria, you will be considered for promotion to the next level within the Career Ladder for your professional role.

Promotions and career advancements are evaluated periodically during performance reviews, which are dedicated '1-on-1' meetings for your growth and professional development. During these sessions, you will have the opportunity to assess your performance, set goals, and receive targeted support. When you demonstrate meeting specific criteria, you will be considered for promotion to the next level within the Career Ladder for your professional role.

Level 1 Junior

Level 1 Junior

Level 1 Junior

Welcomes recent graduates or professionals without experience in our reference technologies. We expect individuals in this category to advance to the next level within a period of 12 to 24 months from hire.

Welcomes recent graduates or professionals without experience in our reference technologies. We expect individuals in this category to advance to the next level within a period of 12 to 24 months from hire.

Welcomes recent graduates or professionals without experience in our reference technologies. We expect individuals in this category to advance to the next level within a period of 12 to 24 months from hire.

Level 2 mid

Level 2 mid

Level 2 mid

Individuals at this level possess extensive experience in both our technology and our way of doing things. They are able to work independently, make decisions, and contribute significantly to business projects.

Individuals at this level possess extensive experience in both our technology and our way of doing things. They are able to work independently, make decisions, and contribute significantly to business projects.

Individuals at this level possess extensive experience in both our technology and our way of doing things. They are able to work independently, make decisions, and contribute significantly to business projects.

Level 3 Senior

Level 3 Senior

Level 3 Senior

Reaching the third level, individuals demonstrate that they have a background of advanced experience and essential cross-functional skills to address the complex social and technical aspects of our work. They manage teams or client relationships.

Reaching the third level, individuals demonstrate that they have a background of advanced experience and essential cross-functional skills to address the complex social and technical aspects of our work. They manage teams or client relationships.

Reaching the third level, individuals demonstrate that they have a background of advanced experience and essential cross-functional skills to address the complex social and technical aspects of our work. They manage teams or client relationships.

Level 4 Leader

Level 4 Leader

Level 4 Leader

Finally, the fourth level represents the highest degree of competence and responsibility. Leaders are individuals with extraordinary skills and deep experience that qualify them to lead entire parts of the company and key projects within Extendi. They play a fundamental role in shaping the company's vision and achieving strategic objectives.

Finally, the fourth level represents the highest degree of competence and responsibility. Leaders are individuals with extraordinary skills and deep experience that qualify them to lead entire parts of the company and key projects within Extendi. They play a fundamental role in shaping the company's vision and achieving strategic objectives.

Finally, the fourth level represents the highest degree of competence and responsibility. Leaders are individuals with extraordinary skills and deep experience that qualify them to lead entire parts of the company and key projects within Extendi. They play a fundamental role in shaping the company's vision and achieving strategic objectives.

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